agree on, to, with的用法详解
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agree on, to, with的用法详解


Let’s try to agree on an approach to the problem.


You and I agree on this point. 你和我在这一点上上是一致的。

We all agreed on the terms. 我们大家第这些条件取得了一致意见。

I met the new manager today and found that we agreed on basic policies.


We agreed on a date for the next meeting. 我们就下次会议的日期达成了协议。

2. agree to sth接受,认可(常常指并非出于主观愿望的“同意”)

At last his wife agreed to the trip if he allowed her to go also.

3. agree with指出自主观愿望的“赞成、同意”

She agreed with this idea. 她赞成这个主意。

I don’t agree with a single word that you have said. 你所说的每句话我都不赞成。

I agree with his views. 我同意他的观点。

agree to尤指不乐意或争论之后的同意(to accept an idea, opinion, etc., esp after unwillingness or argument)。

She can’t agree to your demands. 他不可能接受你的要求。

I find it impossible to agree to your terms. 我认为不可能接受你们的条件。

He agrees to all your proposals excpet the last. 他接受你所有的建议,但最后一条除外。



agree with sb/sth

可以用agree with表示同意某人的看法:

I agree with Tanya. 我同意塔尼娅的看法。(不要说:I agree Tanya.)

也可用agree with表示同意某个观点或说法:

He agrees with this view. 他同意这个观点。(不要说:He agrees this view.)

agree on/about sth

My wife and I agree on most things. 在大多数事情上我和妻子意见一致。

agree to sth

The agreed to all our proposals.

我们所有的建议他们都同意。(不要说:They agreed all our proposals. )

表示同意或赞同某人或某人所说的话,也可以用agree with。

I agree with Mark. 我同意马克。

He agreed with my idea. 他赞同我的想法。

注意:不要说agree something或are agree with it。


例如,不要说 I am agreeing with Mark。

agree to a suggestion or proposal表示同意一个建议或提议。

He had agreed to the use of force. 他同意使用武力。

He accepted our invitation to the dinner party.



agree to do something表示同意做某事。

She agreed to lend me her car. 她同意把车借给我。

She finally agreed to come to the club on Wednesday.


注意:不要说agree to doing someing。

【这个说法(不用agree to doing)高考考查过】

agree on sth表示对……达成一致意见。

We agreed on a date for the wedding. 我们商定了婚礼日期。

可以使用agree that-从句表示决定的内容。

They agreed that the meeting should be postphoned.



It was agreed that something had to be done.


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